Edited reviews
A lot of people have been charmed by the sheer bravery and excitement of such large scale, beautiful, daring illustrations.
Katie Baron, Liberty’s Visual Co-Ordinator
Foz has been the most consistently experimental UK illustrator for ages, no competition.
Rob Mason, Varoom Magazine, issue 29
Excited by the rawness, energy and ambition. Everyone involved in the project was thrilled with the work.
Nathan Church, Superhero Ltd working for London Fashion Week/British Fashion Council
How the ‘line’ between Fine Art and Illustration has finally been overcome.
John Barrat, illustrator, educator
A great example of how illustrators can set the agenda by delivering a rich and provoking visual experience.
Geoff Grandfield, illustrator, educator
Andrew stresses visual exploration of ideas in relation to visual language. He constantly blurs the lines between fine art and illustration.
Charles HIvely owner/art director/publisher, 3×3, USA
Foster’s reveals an Illustrator constantly crossing boundaries and breaking traditions.
Gary Powell, illustrator, educator